Pablo, Perfect. The code is almost complete, we initially forked your > ua_erratic_player package but definitely is better to patch your package. > Great! Just send me an email whenever you think the code is ready and I will it to the driver. > > Yep. It's the most straight forward method. > mmm but anyways sooner or latter we'll have to publish in a JointStateArray > and connect it with a robot_state_publisher given that we'll need the > vision_ptz frame to locate the vision device point cloud. This info can be > published also by the erratic node. Do you agree? :-? > I would think each joint just needs to continuously publish it's current position, another node collects all joint positions from all the motors on the robot and just publishes a single joint_states message. That message gets picked up by robot_state_publisher which publishes tf transforms based on urdf description. Now, I am not sure it's the best way, but I am also no sure what will happen if every motor on the robot starts publishing to joint_states directly, will the robot_state_publisher still work ok? Anybody has comments on that? > > Definitely. I was thinking again in a "look at" method because initially I > though that the ranger actuator was a ptz too. > > One question more. Do you have' any erratic specification document where I > may find precise measurements of the sonar devices arrangement? I need a > more detailed urdf description to get all the sonar devices frames. This is > needed to fill the Range message properly. The problem is that none of the > specification documents of erratics that I find contain such information. > No, I don't have any specific docs about exact sonar placement. Here is a link to the manual from the site though: page 25 talks about sonars and has a picture of the placement but there are no dimensional drawings. Thanks, Anton