hi everyone! I am working with a simulated erratic model in gazebo, the model is the same that it is in the erratic simulation tutorial. The thing is that I have build a 3d map inside an empty world and i want to show that in rviz, so I am using the map server to show the map. As I have problems with the localization of the robot in the map that I showing in the rviz, I tried with the node fake-localization, but i have still drift with the laser points. Therefore my intention is to use the amcl node to have a better localization of my robot using the simulated laser info. I am launching this files: The thing is when I do this I have this error and its dies the amcl: [amcl-15] process has died [pid 902, exit code -6]. log files: /home/robot/.ros/log/d5d7c27a-0d21-11e0-a4d4-0026b9e75b87/amcl-15*.log If I try the same without launching the map_server node there is no problem. So is the amcl incompatible with the gazebo's simulations? how can I do this? Thanks, i have try everything but I can't solve it. Nicolas