On Sun, 16 Jan 2011, Konrad Banachowicz wrote: > I started to move our code for our robot kinematics to ROS. > I would like to know what is the stabilization status of kinematics stack, > because latst review happend nearly year ago.   > I have some remarks and suggestions about kinematics stack : > - kinematics serwices use motion_planning_msgs/RobotState which contains alot of > unnecessary data. > - SolverInfo contains limits field which duplicate data avalible through > robot_description. You might want to configure a solver with tighter limits than what the robot's mechanics impose... > - pr2_kinematics contains many useful functions in pr2_arm_kinematics_utils.cpp > this could be moved to common package, maybe kinematics_utils. > > - common node for ik and ik_with_constraints should exist, using kinematics > plugins. > This would simplify implementation of kinematics for new robot. Herman