Hi Everybody!! I want to detect objects, but just their position to avoid them with the laser data. So I am using these lines: for(int it=0; itpoints[it].x-state2.pose.x,2)+pow(pts_laser->points[it].y-state2.pose.y,2)); //distancia entre 2 muestras consecutivas if(dist_obstacles <= robot_r) {// quiero decir si el centro de mi robot esta a mas de la distancia del r significa q esta en un estado a seguro!!! y 4 metros es el mx alcance de mi laser return false; } } where pts_laser is a pcl_pointcloud and the state2 give me the future position of the robot. So it is a checker, if there is a point which is closer to the robot than the radius of the robot, so that state is unsafe. This thing is not working well. So do you have a better solution or an idea?? Thanks Nicolas