Hey all, Comparing rospy and roscpp, it looks like roscpp provides for the ability to set a default namespace using the NodeHandle constructor, as done in mux: // Put our API into the "mux" namespace, which the user should usually remap ros::NodeHandle mux_nh("mux"); // Latched publisher for selected input topic name g_pub_selected = mux_nh.advertise(string("selected"), 1, true); // Backward compatibility ros::ServiceServer ss = n.advertiseService(g_output_topic + string("_select"), sel_srv_cb_dep); // New service ros::ServiceServer ss_select = mux_nh.advertiseService(string("select"), sel_srv_cb); (etc) Is there a way to achieve this in rospy? Would you just do it using the argv parameter to init_node, or is there some better way? Thanks, Mike