I've been testing the camera1394/driver nodelet with the image_proc nodelets. They seem to work well, but there are often curious error messages when shutting down the process: {{{ ^C [image_proc_rect_color-5] killing on exit [image_proc_rect-4] killing on exit [image_proc_debayer-3] killing on exit [camera_nodelet_manager-1] killing on exit [camera1394_nodelet-2] killing on exit [ERROR] [1296055448.809033062]: Bond failed to break on destruction /camera1394_nodelet_106cea95-8e4e-46fa-81bd-e0610a1f50d8 (0887a3a4-893f-41b8-b004-6908687b85a3) [ERROR] [1296055449.659656107]: Bond failed to break on destruction /image_proc_debayer_0506a85c-283a-46e1-ad5a-1dffe90a448d (4a12f45d-2785-4643-8d84-430afd858f81) [ERROR] [1296055449.665508424]: Bond failed to break on destruction /camera1394_nodelet_106cea95-8e4e-46fa-81bd-e0610a1f50d8 (da99cfc6-c846-4011-937b-bed75e157b1d) shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done }}} These messages do not happen for all the nodelets all the time, but usually at least one of them complains. Any idea what's going on? The nodelet manager does shut down successfully. Is there other information that would be useful? I am attaching the launch files (just test scripts, not supported launch files for the camera, which does not depend on image_proc). --  joq