Are you now sourcing setup.bash instead of ? Cheers, Ugo On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:31 AM, sam wrote: > hello, > what happened when I type roscd, > it showed commnad not found? > I type ros and tab it show below, > and I find that roscd is missing... > How I fixed that? > > sam@sam-desktop:~$ ros > rosbag rosgraph rosnode rossrv > rosboost-cfg roslaunch rospack rosstack > rosclean roslaunch-deps rosparam rostest > rosconfig roslaunch-logs rosplay rostopic > roscore roslocate rosrebag rosversion > roscreate-pkg rosmake rosrecord roswtf > roscreate-stack rosmaster rosrun > rosdep rosmsg rosservice > sam@sam-desktop:~$ roscd > roscd: command not found > sam@sam-desktop:~$ > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > > -- Ugo Cupcic | Shadow Robot Company | Software Engineer | 251 Liverpool Road | need a Hand? | London N1 1LX | +44 20 7700 2487 @shadowrobot