Hi all, I have just installed a new ROS system on my Debian. I built it from CVS and modify the rosdep.yaml because they were not working out of the box. Fine I sourced the source.sh script ROS seems to be partially functionnal as I can rosmake,rospack find but I can't do roscd with these errors: ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard/ros$ rospack find turtlesim /media/DD_data/home/ard/ros/ros_tutorials/turtlesim ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard/ros$ roscd turtlesim bash: roscd : commande introuvable ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard/ros$ Did I forgot to build something ?