Hey all, So, for DTurtle, we're trying to remove dependencies on visualization stacks like ogre from our core stacks. Since navigation falls into this category, and the nav_view package relies on ogre, it has to move from navigation. That much is decided. However, I'm not sure exactly where to put the nav_view package. Do I create a new stack or just throw it in sandbox? The answer depends largely on how many people in the ROS community use nav_view over rviz. So, does anyone out there have a strong objection to nav_view moving to sandbox for DTurtle? If so, what are your reasons for using nav_view over rviz configured in a similar way? If there are a lot of people who feel strongly about this, I'll probably create a navigation_visualization stack to hold nav_view. Otherwise, I'll move it to sandbox and let it die. Let me know what you think and hope all is well, Eitan