Hi, I am trying to use the gps_client in umd_ros_pkg.So i tried to download the stack using the instructions in tutorial.The link of the tutorial is http://www.ros.org/wiki/gpsd_client/Tutorials/Getting%20Started%20with%20gpsd_client#Using_gpsd_client_for_ROS. . when i tried downloading using the git command it is creating folders but not any files in it.Iwas not able to download the package gpsd_clientI was not able to compile the package itself .When i tried to build the source using the rosmake the following errors are coming. [ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['umd_ros_pkg'] [ rosmake ] Logging to directory/home/avinash/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110209-224642 [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['umd_ros_pkg'] to: [] [ rosmake ] WARNING: The following args could not be parsed as stacks or packages: ['umd_ros_pkg'] [ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or stack names. I am a newbie to ros.Please excuse me if it is a silly mistake.I am trying to get it working from the past two days without any luck.Looking for some help here.Thanking you.. -- Regards Avinash Thiruvayipati Graduate Student Electrical Engineering Arizona State University 734-985-1155