I was just wondering if anyone has tried to use the ps3joy package with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse and run into the issue I am having. The instructions on the wiki detail how to allow the ps3 controller to pass through the operating system and let the ps3joy.py script access it, but that involves disabling all bluetooth input devices. Does anyone know a better way, maybe disabling only the playstation device instead of all bluetooth input devices? I've looked around on google, but with little success. Here are some of the ROS wiki links: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ps3joy/KarmicInstructions#Disable_interception_of_HID_devices_by_bluetoothd http://www.ros.org/wiki/ps3joy/Tutorials/PairingJoystickAndBluetoothDongle Thanks, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ William Woodall Graduate Software Engineering Auburn University w@auburn.edu wjwwood@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~