've been playing with arm motion planning (OMPL) on a non-PR2 robot for a while now. I am currently working with a Schunk arm and a ShadowRobot hand at the tip. Both devices are controlled on different computers, and a custom made node fuses the joint information from both so that a single robot_description (and robot state) is obtainable. The problem I am having is that OMPL generates a collision-free plan, possibly even the Trajectory Filter, but during the execution move_arm stops crying for collisions that don't exist. The symptoms are: - Right after a goal is requested, all of the nodes that use the motion_planning_common stack complain that "Empty joint state map cache" and "Got joint state update but did not update some joints for more than 1 second. Turn on DEBUG for more info" - If I send a MoveArmAction request where disable_collision_monitoring is true, somebody (OMPL? TrajectoryFilter?) decides that there are not obstacles and plans a perfect straight line trajectory. In the past I have successfully generated plans with a hand-less 7dof arm, now I don't understand what I am doing wrong! In particular, the warning messages I receive are really puzzling... -- Lorenzo Riano, PhD Research Associate Intelligent Systems Research Centre University of Ulster Magee campus Londonderry BT48 7JL phone: +44 (0)28 71375187 email: l.riano@ulster.ac.uk, lorenzo.riano@gmail.com skype: lorenzo.riano Webpage: http://isrc.ulster.ac.uk/Staff/LRiano/Contact.html