ROS provides a really nice set of tools for working with packages and stacks. But I am sure the community has come up with some additional cool tools. Here are some bash functions that I find helpful. # cd toggle between _msgs and non _msgs packages function roscdmsg { PACKAGE=${PWD##*/} LEN=${#PACKAGE} if (( "$LEN" < 5 )) then roscd $PACKAGE"_msgs" return fi END=${PACKAGE:$(( $LEN - 5 ))} if [ $END = "_msgs" ] then roscd ${PACKAGE:0:$(( $LEN - 5 ))} else roscd $PACKAGE"_msgs" fi } # Helper function to test if a list contains a given string. # Usage: isinlist function isinlist { for ITEM in $2 do if [ "$1" = "$ITEM" ] then return 1 fi done return 0 } # CD up to the root package dir function roscdpkg { # store original pwd ORIG_DIR=$PWD # get all package names ALL_PACKAGES=`rospack list-names` # get the name of the current dir DIR=${PWD##*/} # test if we are in a dir that is also a ros package isinlist "$DIR" "$ALL_PACKAGES" # while 'isinlist' returns 0 while [ "$?" = "0" ] do # go up a dir builtin cd .. # get the new dir name DIR=${PWD##*/} # if the dir name is empty (i.e. we have gone all the way to '/') if [ -z $DIR ] then builtin cd $ORIG_DIR echo "Not under a ros package" return -1 fi isinlist "$DIR" "$ALL_PACKAGES" done } # CD up to the root stack dir function roscdstack { # store original pwd ORIG_DIR=$PWD # get all package names ALL_PACKAGES=`rosstack list-names` # get the name of the current dir DIR=${PWD##*/} # test if we are in a dir that is also a ros stack isinlist "$DIR" "$ALL_PACKAGES" # while 'isinlist' returns 0 while [ "$?" = "0" ] do # go up a dir builtin cd .. # get the new dir name DIR=${PWD##*/} # if the dir name is empty (i.e. we have gone all the way to '/') if [ -z $DIR ] then builtin cd $ORIG_DIR echo "Not under a ros stack" return -1 fi isinlist "$DIR" "$ALL_PACKAGES" done } # This function will print on the screen a list of #include # lines that you can paste at the top of your C++ file. # The files are found using your .manifest file. function rosgenincludes { DEPS_LIST=`rospack depends1 $1` for PACKAGE in $DEPS_LIST do echo "// $PACKAGE:" PATH_TO_DEP=`rospack find $PACKAGE` PATH_ARRAY[0]=$PATH_TO_DEP/include # CTurtle paths PATH_ARRAY[1]=$PATH_TO_DEP/msg_gen/cpp/include/$PACKAGE PATH_ARRAY[2]=$PATH_TO_DEP/srv_gen/cpp/include/$PACKAGE # BoxTurtle paths #PATH_ARRAY[1]=$PATH_TO_DEP/msg/cpp/$PACKAGE #PATH_ARRAY[2]=$PATH_TO_DEP/srv/cpp/$PACKAGE NOTES_ARRAY[0]="" NOTES_ARRAY[1]="$PACKAGE messages:" NOTES_ARRAY[2]="$PACKAGE services:" NUM_PATHS=3 for (( i = 0 ; i < $NUM_PATHS ; i++ )) do # if path does not exist if [[ ! -d "${PATH_ARRAY[$i]}" ]] then #echo "path does not exist" continue fi INCLUDE_FILES=`ls -1 ${PATH_ARRAY[$i]}` # if there are any files found if [ "${#INCLUDE_FILES}" -gt 0 ] then # only display note if it is non-zero if [ "${#NOTES_ARRAY[$i]}" -gt 0 ] then echo "// ${NOTES_ARRAY[$i]}" fi # print each include for FILE in $INCLUDE_FILES do echo "#include <$PACKAGE/$FILE>" done fi done #end for each search path done #end for each package in dependencies } And here is some example usage: baxelrod@mycomp:~$ roscd actionlib baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common/actionlib$ roscdmsg baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common_msgs/actionlib_msgs$ roscdmsg baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common/actionlib$ rosgenincludes // roscpp: #include // roscpp messages: #include // roscpp services: #include #include #include // rospy: // rostest: #include // actionlib_msgs: // actionlib_msgs messages: #include #include #include baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common/actionlib$ cd msg baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common/actionlib/msg$ roscdpkg baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common/actionlib$ roscdstack baxelrod@mycomp:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/common$ Anybody else have something neat? -Ben Ben Axelrod Research Scientist iRobot Corporation 8 Crosby Drive, Mail Stop 8-1 Bedford, MA 01730 (781) 430-3315 (Tel) (781) 960-2628 (Fax)