Hello, I am having trouble connecting to a SICK LMS 291. I did not have trouble connecting to the device in cturtle, but I recently upgraded to diamondback and am now having difficulties. It appears Aravindhan Krishnan found a solution to this problem, and posted it on ROS answers [0]. However, I would like to avoid using unstable packages. Is there a way to only install the sicklms source without getting loads of other unstable dependencies? Also, is this a known bug? I could not find anything in the tracker, and if Krishnan is right about this, it appears to be a serious problem. I have pasted the output of `rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms.` Please let me know if there is a better solution than hacking the sicklms source. I set the baud rate to 38400 and the port to /dev/ttyS0. I know I am using the correct serial port because when I remove the cable it hangs forever. The permissions are also set correctly. ------------- snip ------------- rmiller@obc:~$ ls -lah /dev/ttyS0 crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 4, 64 2011-03-17 17:36 /dev/ttyS0 rmiller@obc:~$ groups rmiller rmiller : rmiller adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare ------------- snip ------------- ------------- snip ------------- rmiller@obc:/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/laser_drivers/sicktoolbox_wrapper$ rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms *** Attempting to initialize the Sick LMS... Attempting to open device @ /dev/ttyS0 Device opened! Attempting to start buffer monitor... Buffer monitor started! Attempting to set requested baud rate... A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success! Failed to set requested baud rate... Attempting to detect LMS baud rate... Checking 19200bps... A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success! Checking 38400bps... ERROR: I/O exception - SickBufferMonitor::_readBytes: read() failed! A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining ERROR: I/O exception - SickLIDAR::_sendMessage: write() failed! ERROR: I/O exception - SickLIDAR::_sendMessage: write() failed! ERROR: I/O exception - SickLIDAR::_sendMessage: write() failed! ERROR: I/O exception - SickLIDAR::_sendMessage: write() failed! SickLMS::_testBaudRate: Unknown exception! ERROR: I/O exception - SickLIDAR::_sendMessage: write() failed! ERROR: I/O exception - SickLIDAR::_sendMessage: write() failed! [ERROR] [1300397794.610468157]: Initialize failed! are you using the correct device path? terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SickToolbox::SickThreadException' Aborted ------------- snip ------------- -Ryan [0] - http://answers.ros.org/question/257/unable-to-get-data-from-sick-laser-on-pioneer