Hi all, When i run the navigation using costmap2d, i see the laser scan in rviz, but do not see any inflated obstacles. Rviz shows the grid cell messages are being published , and upon checking , /move_base/local_costmap/inflated_obstacles message is published with an empy cell array: header: seq: 578 stamp: secs: 1300546886 nsecs: 279417959 frame_id: odom cell_width: 0.0500000007451 cell_height: 0.0500000007451 cells: [] Upon using rxconsole under ros.costmap2d debug mode i see this statement: Polygon lies outside map bounds, so we can't fill it. Since no path is planned, move_base enters clear/recovery mode. Any suggestions? -- Regards, Hitesh Dhiman Electrical Engineering National University of Singapore