Greetings! This is Chris Fornof with Open Source Ecology(see the TED talk ). We are seeking to collaborate with those skilled in the art of robotics, with the aim of automating Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) technologies. Open Source Ecology is currently entering a phase of extreme growth. We've acquired backing and connections from some powerful leaders in the world of tech, and resources are starting to pour in. We operate at an extremely high efficiency rate, with 95% of our resources have being directly applied to tool and infrastructure development. All of it Open Hardware, and designed for modular replicability in communities across the world. We aim to create a common infrastructure that enables communities to enter post-scarcity phases of economics. The end goal is full robotic automation. Creating the ability for villages to go from hand-tools to industrial robots is an ambitious undertaking, but we believe we have the capability of pulling it off. We are seeking collaborators to help us accomplish this vision. Those interested should email Thank you for your time. -Chris