Hi All - We are gathering information from the ROS community for planning the first ROSCon, and we need your input! ROSCon will be a technical meeting, modeled roughly on PyCon and BoostCon. The intended audience is developers and users with some ROS experience (we're not targeting novices this year). A mix of talks and tutorials, combined with ample time and space to hack, will provide everybody with the opportunity to learn something new and meet others in the community. Please give us your input by taking this survey: https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/willowgarage.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGhnbWM4YlVfbGFHbTVLUW1yQ0FycEE6MQ Thanks -Melonee -- Senior Engineer Intern Program Director Willow Garage 68 Willow Rd. Menlo Park, Ca 94025