Hi All, This didn't feel crisp enough for answers.ros.org, but if people feel that it is the right forum for email, I can transfer my question to that site. I'm thinking of using ROS for my non-ROS robot's basestation, and I'm trying to figure out if I can satisfy my robustness requirements with a ROS based system. The basestation will most likely consist of at least 3 computers: A primary communications & control (C&C) computer, a backup C&C computer and at least one non-critical visualization computer. The idea is for the visualization machines to receive ROS messages from the primary and backup C&C computers, and if the primary C&C computer crashes, the backup C&C computer can take over all communications and control. Once the primary C&C machine reboots/recovers from the crash, it can then retake control of the robot. Now comes the hard question: Where should I run my roscore, and what happens if it crashes? Assuming that the roscore is running on the primary C&C machine and this machine crashes, I believe everything else should still run just fine (assuming we're not using the parameter server or negotiating service connections at runtime). And, is there any way that I can restart my roscore and C&C nodes on the primary machine after the crash? Maybe this involves patching the ROS Master to store the state of it's connections to disk. If so, any suggestions as to where to start looking in the ROS Master code would be appreciated. Thanks, Vijay Pradeep