Hello, I tried to obtain images from an AVT Guppy using the nodelet configuration, as shown below: However, the bayer pattern reconstruction is using the pattern rggb, instead of bggr, as it was told. Changing the pattern using the dynamic_reconfigure GUI, also does have no effect. I tried to trace the problem down and I found out, that as my camera is set to work in the format7 video-mode, thus most of the work is happening in camera_drivers/camera1394/src/nodes/format7.{h,cpp}. I looked into the files and found out, that the desired pattern is no where set in the code. Instead, regardless of the configured value, the pattern type is always read from the camera, using the dc1394_format7_get_color_filter function. The corresponding function to set the value was removed from libdc1394 a long time ago (God knows why). Since I don't know how to manipulate this value, I wrote a patch for format7.{h,cpp} that basically stores the value of the desired bayer pattern, and passes this value on in the corresponding field of sensor_msgs::Image in the function unpackData. The patch is appended to this email. I'm not sure if what I do there is right, even though I now have color images with the correct color (the sky is really blue now). Maybe someone responsible for the developement of this driver can have a look at it. Yours, Sebastian