Hello all, I put together a new package I would like to submit to ros.org. It runs the SSC-32 controller from Lynxmotion. It differs from the current SSC-32 package in that it implements a full ROS server that listens for angle comands and publishes servo state. It also takes ROS parameters to configure the attached servos and gives them logical names. It is based strongly on the Robotis library, and portions of the code are copyrighted by HRL. It is BSD licensed. Repository: https://github.com/kalmes/mk-ros-pkg/tree/master/ssc32py The wiki suggested just posting to this list, so I'm not sure if there are any other steps to follow. The code works well with my arm, but only has this for testing. There is a sample launch file, sample client, and sample config YAML file in the package. -Mark