... Because life's too short to spend time copying URLs off of ros.org wiki pages... So, in a bout of severe laziness I wrote a tiny bash script to automatically checkout a package/stack that's listed on ros.org. I affectionately call it rosco, short for ros checkout. You can grab it here: https://gist.github.com/1155414 . If someone like this already exists, I will feel slightly foolish, but it took me a handful of minutes to write so it's already saved me enough time to have been worth writing. It's pretty simple, stick it somewhere in your path (probably want to rename it to rosco and make it executable for ease of use) and then just give it the name of the package or stack you want to install. For example, all you need to do to check out the 3d_navigation stack (can't wait until it works btw!) is type `rosco 3d_navigation`, and it will look up the repository information automatically and check it out. Currently supports svn, git, and hg, because those were the three that I noticed, haven't really found any exhaustive list of VCS software that's used in ROS packages though, mainly due to lack of trying (although I guess I could probably script that too). Depends on roslocate being on your PATH (which I guess comes as part of rosinstall). Happy coding! -- -Ibrahim Awwal