We are pleased to announce our ros repository to the ros group. We only have few packages for the falcon driver, xsens, GPS, RemodeControl on the repository at this moment. However, we are planning to put more open-source code on our repository aiming for development of knowledge by sharing and collaborations with our colleagues from around the world. The address of our repository is bzr lp:cyphy And you can check out using "bzr" command: bzr co lp:cyphy Thank you. =========================================== Inkyu Sa Ph.D candidate Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering, School of Engineering Systems, Queensland University of Technology S-Block Level 11, 1107 Phone: +61 7 423 280 720 Blog: http://www.enddl22.net YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/enddl22 E-mail: i.sa@qut.edu.au