On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 15:57:49 -0400 Tyler Stigliano wrote: > Hello, > > I am currently working on > a project where I would like to take a ROS node , in particular the > Laser Pipeline node, and integrate it into our current source code > maintained by Visual Studios on Windows 7. Our goal is to create a 3D > composite map from data read in from a laser to help our MANUS > Assistive Robotic Manipulator (ARM) navigate better. The solution we > came up with is to mount a Hokuyo Laser onto our MANUS ARM. Over the > past couple weeks I have began to familiarize my self with how the > laser_pipeline node works on Ubuntu and have successfully read in > data from the laser and turned it into a 3D composite map. Now that > the beginning phase of this process is over a few questions have come > up. Is it possible to run ROS nodes without roscore? I understand > that roscore acts as a communicator between all of the nodes. How I > see it now is that roscore acts as a bridge between the > implementation of the nodes, i.e. the laser reads in data, roscore > takes the data to the filter, the data is filtered, roscore takes the > data to the assembler, and finally the data is assembled into a map. > How could we successfully implement these actions outside a ROS > environment if in fact this is what is happening? > > Thank you for your time, > > Tyler. Hello Tyler, this question would better be asked on http://answers.ros.org. Just quickly: You didn't get the concept of roscore quite right, see: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Concepts Roscore just acts as a name lookup server, then the nodes exchange their data directly. Regarding running the laser pipeline without ROS: Either you try to eliminate every reference to ROS from the source code, replacing it by your own custom code, or you try running ROS on Windows (although I have no experience with that): http://www.ros.org/wiki/electric/Installation/Windows Best wishes, Martin -- Dipl.-Inf. Martin Günther Universität Osnabrück Institut für Informatik Albrechtstr. 28 (Raum 31/503) D-49076 Osnabrück Fon: 0541 969 2434 http://www.inf.uos.de/mguenthe/