My hourly budget isn't really high but it should be fairly long term. I'm learning ROS now and have Electric connected to an Arudino 2560. But I need someone who is more experienced. The application is for a punching robot. ROS will be connected to a custom Arduino board that will read sensor data and drive motors, etc. If you have experience with basic TFs, Kinect camera, accelerometers/gyros like FreeIMU and Arduino all the better. This is a real project that we are looking to commercialize. The physical robot, motors, etc. are all 90% sorted and I am in the process of assembling our first projection ready robot now. May also be able to offer some stock for a lower hourly rate. Contact me for more info. One area I'm struggling with a little is figuring out if we want to use forward or inverse kinematics for the arms. We're only dealing with 3DOF and DC (not servos or steppers) motors, either we close loop the DC motor and use a 9DOF sensor to put them in the right position or we calculate motor run time up front based on an encoder reading. Our target is a sub $3000 full size dynamic sparring partner for boxers and martial artists. Chris Jones Punching Pro, LLC. 404-784-8766