This sounds like a question for ROS Answers . On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 4:02 PM, <> wrote: > Hi everybody, > > I have a little (it might be also stupid one) for gazebo_ros_prosilica. I > want > to emulate multi-robot system with some robots equipped with cameras. I > found > gazebo_ros_prosilica is perfect for me since it uses opencv. So I created > my > launch files that includes the robots that includes the camera devices with > their respective controller of type gazebo_ros_prosilica. > > The problem now is that all the controllers subscribes to /camera_info (and > other topics with the same name but now I focused on this topic). Then I > tried > two different ways: > > 1) From the launch file I tried to get, from the xacro file of the robots, > the > nodeName without any success. > > 2) I tried to remap topics. I really tried a lot of permutation without any > result. I guess the right solution is (from my launch file): > > > > > I also tried to modify the "from" field with /gazebo/camera_info, > ~/gazebo/camera_info ~/camera_info without any result. > > Does anyone has the same problem? Could someone help me? > > Thanks a lot. Good work, > > Neostek > > P.S. My description of the camera are in another xacro file. So > > launchFile -> robotXacro -> cameraXacro > > I do not think that it is the problem, but it is just for a complete > explanation. > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >