Hi All, Last month we ran into some problems when we were using two different release mechanisms for installing code. There was a thread on ros-users you can find in the archives [1] The primary issue was that some packages were coming from apt and some from pip resulting in an apt-get update being able to break the working system as the pip based packages would not get updated at the same time. The cleanest solution is to stop using both pip and apt on the same system. Thus I announce that all the packages which we were previously recommending using pip to install are now available through apt on Ubuntu and using apt is the recommended way to install them. If you have previously installed using pip it is recommended to uninstall using pip the tools now available through apt. I will attach instructions for uninstalling these tools below. These tools include, rospkg, rosdep, rosinstall, vcstools, and rosrelease. In apt they are named python-PACKAGENAME, such as python-rospkg. Tully [1] https://code.ros.org/lurker/thread/20120705.075600.163311e9.en.html#i20120705.075600.163311e9 Uninstallation Instructions: If you have pip installed a package you can use pip to uninstall the package if you have pip version 1.1 or greater. sudo pip uninstall PACKAGE_NAME Caveats, on machines like lucid are that you will have to `pip install pip` to get the new version. Also pip uninstall regularly leaves scripts in /usr/local/bin after uninstalling it is recommended to remove any executable from /usr/local/bin starting with ros such as rosws rosco rosinstall... If you have installed something else starting with the ros name be careful, and possibly leave it alone. If you are having trouble with any scripts you can type 'which SCRIPTNAME` to determine which executable is being run. If it's in /usr/local/bin you are still using the pip based version. All of the apt based tools will be in /usr/bin. -- Tully Foote tfoote@willowgarage.com (650) 475-2827