Hi Everyone, We have been making good progress on preparations for the Groovy release. You can see the latest full builds in our testing repo. The output is synced to http://www.ros.org/debbuild/groovy_testing.txt regularly. There are now well over 150 stacks building, including all the core ROS packages. I have setup a page at: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/groovy_critical_dependencies_precise_amd64.txtto help understand what's missing. Every stack which is failing to build is listed, and the stacks that depend on broken stacks are noted. Reviewing most of the broken stacks they are mostly due to deprecation cycles finishing, and minor restructurings of underlying dependencies. If your stack is listed please review the build logs. Note that each released stack now has its own build job so it's much easier to find the latest result. Although we're making progress on getting the release out, there is one major change outstanding from the Buildsystem SIG [1]. The outstanding change is to switch to packaging at the package level and not the stack level. The primary discussion is this thread [2] and the details are currently being reviewed in REP 127 via the SIG. [3] As this change is large and we are within a month of the planned Groovy release the standard option would be to delay the feature until Hydro. However when we consider the migration path for users migrating to the current Groovy implementation and then again migrating to the new proposal will cause a lot of overhead on the entire ROS community. This double migration can be avoided if the current Groovy implementation is not released to the community. Another option is to not make the second change, however the support of the SIG was strongly in favor of the new system, and it has significant benefits suggesting that it's worth the effort. To avoid this double migration for the community I plan to push back the Groovy release to make sure that this change can be integrated effectively and make sure that there is still soak time for beta testers to use the software before the release. The new target for the Groovy release will be November 15th, with a Beta available on October 15th for full system testing. I have updated the Groovy Planning page [4] to reflect the new deadlines. Looking forward I expect that we will shorten the development cycle to keep in sync with the Ubuntu releases. Tully [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/ros-sig-buildsystem [2] https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/ros-sig-buildsystem/GSHy2dI39gY [3] http://ros.org/reps/rep-0127.html [4] http://www.ros.org/wiki/groovy/Planning