2012/9/25 Michael Janssen (CS Grad) > So, the installation instructions for installing Fuerte on Debian have > been out of date for a little while now; They don't work > out-of-the-box for sure, and I've been trying to figure out how to > make them a bit better. > Hi, I was one of the Debian users that tried to keep ROS working on Debian, but I'm now with electric and not willing to change before a quite long time. I'm not surprised that the information are a bit outdated. I'm unfortunately not capable to help to improve this. The only this I have done was to update the documentation between cturtle, diamondback and electric and sending trac tickets to have rosdeps.yaml files updated. I will stay with electric for quite a long time now, so I'm sorry to say that I will not be available for testing purpose :( > PIP is suggested as part of the first thing to get the rosinstall, > rospkg, and rosdep tools. This has been [disrecommended on this > list][1] for about a month. The recommended way is to use apt now, > but there aren't any instructions on the [Debian Fuerte install > page][2] for that. I would like to remedy this. > > The packages installed via pip are rosinstall, rospkg, rosdep, and > vcstools. They are available in the ubuntu repository at > http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/ > > Lucky for us, python is nice and cross plaform, and Ubuntu packages > are compatible with Debian, and none of these packages have > dependencies outside this set, so they install fine with dpkg if you > download them all and put them on one line. python-vcstools and > python-rosinstall depend on bzr, which isn't included in the > "bootstrap dependencies" earlier in the wiki document, but 'apt-get > install bzr' remedies that situation. > > From here on out, the install instructions work fine, installing from > source. However, I would prefer to have a completely Debian-package > based install, similar to the Ubuntu install. Most of the packages > and all of the package tools are shared between Ubuntu and Debian. > Using the fuerte.yaml from [the rosdistro page][3] and the fact that > we've already installed python-yaml from the earlier steps, we can > build Debian packages automatically for the entire underlay. Using > the "precise" tags that are the most recent work fine on both Debian > squeeze and sid. I haven't been able to test on wheezy yet, but I > suspect it works fine there as well. > > The attached script should take a Debian system from nothing to a > working ros-underlay install (ready to start at step 1.3.2 on the > [installation page][2]), with all Debian packages instead of source. > I've tested it on current (2012-09-24) squeeze and sid. > > My next step is to contribute some rosdep rules, I think. Right now I > have a branch at http://github.com/jamuraa/rosdep (in accordance with > the [instructions pointed at by Tully][4]) and have been updating it. > Right now I am stuck at packages in two states: packages like pcl and > ros which have their own packages built for Ubuntu (and therefore > should not be handled through rosdep?) or sets of missing resources > like this: > > runtime_monitor: Missing resource rxbag > turtle_actionlib: Missing resource turtlesim > smach_viewer: Missing resource xdot > > There are a [couple][5] of [questions][6] on answers.ros.org, but they > aren't getting much attention / answers. If someone else has tried > this and has some advise / tips, or wants to point me in the right > direction for setting up a build server, I'd be grateful. > > [1]: http://code.ros.org/lurker/attach/3@20120806.010403.409c5c22.attach > [2]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Installation/Debian > [3]: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/raw/master/releases/fuerte.yaml > [4]: http://ros.org/doc/api/rosdep2/html/contributing_rules.html > [5]: > http://answers.ros.org/question/44070/contributing-rosdep-rules-for-debian/ > [6]: > http://answers.ros.org/question/33002/rosdep-install-a-fails-on-debian-sqeeze/ > > Michael Janssen --- mjanssen@cs.umn.edu > Center for Distributed Robotics --- University of Minnesota > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > >