Hello ROS Fans, My ROS By Example book was written for ROS Electric. For those of you using ROS Fuerte, I have put together a cheat sheet that details the changes you have to make to use the book and sample code with Fuerte instead of Electric. The code repository itself has been updated to be compatible with both ROS versions so basically you just need to use a few different launch files and RViz config files. If interested, you can download the cheat sheet from the following link: http://ros-by-example.googlecode.com/files/RBX1_Fuerte_Cheat_Sheet.pdf I'd like to thank HBRC member *Ross Lunan* who provided me with some very helpful notes on how he got the book and code to work with Fuerte on his machine. *One important caveat*: I have only tested this on Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneric) but Ross tested it under 12.04 (Precise). In any event, let me know if you run into any trouble. --patrick http://www.pirobot.org