Hi ROS community! After some weeks at work, we are glad to announce that we have two more repositories available: -*wsg50-ros-pkg*: A repository that contains the ROS driver for the real and simulated version of the Weiss Robotics WSG 50 gripper ( http://code.google.com/p/wsg50-ros-pkg/). -*robotnik-powerball-ros-pkg*: A repository that includes the necessary files for the Schunk Powerball simulation. We can control it sending commands directly to the controller topic or via a PS3 pad. Currently it supports Cartesian/Euler operation. ( http://code.google.com/p/robotnik-powerball-ros-pkg/) Furthermore, we have updated our *Guardian repository* ( http://code.google.com/p/guardian-ros-pkg/) to be able to simulate the robot in ROS Fuerte version. We have included the URDF and the launch files to represent our new mobile manipulators, the *GBALL* (composed by a Guardian integrating the two previous packages). *GWAM* robot (a Guardian integrating the Barret WAM arm) is already available and will be uploaded soon. Please add the Google Code repositories to the index. Best regards, Román Navarro ------------------------------------- Román Navarro García Departamento I+D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robotnik Automation, SLL Tel: (+34) 963383835 C/Berni y Catala, 53 bajo http://www.robotnik.eu 46019 - VALENCIA - SPAIN rnavarro@robotnik.es ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aviso legal / Privacy policy -