I am recently created a Python interface similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package used by many camera drivers. The API is similar, but not identical. It supports the same calibration URL syntax with variable substitution as by the C++ implementation. http://www.ros.org/wiki/camera_info_manager_py https://github.com/jack-oquin/camera_info_manager_py http://ros.org/doc/fuerte/api/camera_info_manager_py/html/python/camera_info_manager.html There are probably not many camera drivers written in Python, but the axis_camera driver needs camera info, so I chose to create a general package to provide that interface for it. My current implementation is unit-tested but not yet functionally complete. It already has enough features to be useful. If you have or want to write a camera driver in Python, please let me know. I will support this package and provide any reasonable missing features it requires. -- joq