Sorry - wrong list. Please ignore. Daniel. On 24 November 2012 15:09, Daniel Stonier wrote: > > Hi all, > > I had to bang my head around this for a while today. > > *Problem* > * > * > My catkin package foo depends on Eigen, which of course, has headers > installed in a non-standard location. I can do a find_package(Eigen) in foo > and foo is happy. > > Next problem, my new catkin package bar depends on foo, so indirectly > requires those eigen headers. Now bar shouldn't have to do a > find-package(Eigen), so the question was how to get catkin to export that > eigen include directory. > > *Solution* > * > * > I hunted around all the other core ros packages which depended on eigen, > but they didn't do anything special. > > Finally, checking out the catkin_package.cmake code, there is a variable > DEPENDS (not CATKIN_DEPENDS) you can set that will export the appropriate > include directory without repeating the find_package lookup for a non-ros > package. That seems to be a nice solution. > > *Issues* > * > * > Firstly, is this the right approach? If it is, it's probably a really key > point to document somewhere (if I missed it, enlighten me please). > Secondly, all those core ros packages probably do the same, otherwise > packages depending on them and subsequently Eigen indirectly will have to > do additional find_package(Eigen) calls for no reason. > > This probably is important for other external dependencies like log4cxx as > well (though being in ubuntu's system include directory, the problem hides > until someone compiles or cross-compiles on a slightly non-standard > platform - windows being one). > > Cheers, > Daniel. > -- Phone : +82-10-5400-3296 (010-5400-3296) Home: Yujin R&D: