Hi, you can check some examples in the image_transport plugin, or our message_transport package: https://github.com/ethz-asl/ros-message-transport which is using the same code base: see compressed and theora transports. Hope that helps... On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Oier Mees wrote: > Hello, > I am trying to migrate code to groovy and have problems with CvBridge. > Since the tutorials for CvBridge[0] haven't been updated to groovy, I > don't know if the API has changed. Could anyone tell me if CvBridge works > now differently? > > The offending code is this one: > > void imageDepth_callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg) > { > sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge; > IplImage *aux=NULL; > aux = bridge.imgMsgToCv(msg, msg->encoding.c_str()); > cvCopy(aux, PointCloud_image); > } > The error message is: > error: ‘CvBridge’ is not a member of ‘sensor_msgs’ > > Regards, > Oier > > [0] > http://www.ros.org/wiki/cv_bridge/Tutorials/UsingCvBridgeToConvertBetweenROSImagesAndOpenCVImages > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > > -- Cedric Pradalier