Hi all, We've been fighting a bit with the release system and have a couple of outstanding questions. Perhaps other users are running into the same issues. *Wet Stacks - Bloom's Debian Build Increment Number* Under what situations exactly is the build increment number useful? I interpreted it as a minor update which forces a rebuild of the deb, but not an update which generates a code api change or bugfix (e.g, a dependency problem). Is this correct? The second issue I'm having with it, is that generating a new release with incremented debian build number would force a jenkins build, but that doesn't seem to be happening. e.g. I have these tags in my release repo, https://github.com/yujinrobot-release/ecl_lite-release/archive/debian/ros-groovy-ecl-time-lite_0.50.0-0_precise.zip https://github.com/yujinrobot-release/ecl_lite-release/archive/debian/ros-groovy-ecl-time-lite_0.50.0-1_precise.zip This specification in rosdistro ecl_lite: url: git://github.com/yujinrobot-release/ecl_lite-release.git version: 0.50.0-1 packages: ecl_config: ecl_converters_lite: ecl_errors: ecl_io: ecl_lite: ecl_sigslots_lite: ecl_time_lite: It's also showing up on the but nothing getting upgraded on jenkins - i.e. it's still trying to build 0.50.0-0. Pre-releases are also picking up 0.50.0 by default. Enlightenment would be great :) *Dry Stacks - Stack dependencies on Wet Stacks* * * These require dependencies to wet stacks. For this to work should the wet stack always include a metapackage for the entire group? *Prereleases* * * Do these build against ros stable, shadow-fixed or building? Thanks, Daniel Stonier.