Dear ROS users, Thanks everybody for feedback. I just contributed a working sensor driver for Razor IMU 9 DOF sensor board., my razor_imu_9dof package can handle different version of Razor board hardware which requires different firmware to be uploaded to the board (Thanks to -9dof-ahrs/wiki/Tutorial which its firmware are included in this ROS package). On top of that, this sensor board is very accurate, responsive and good for robot. This version of firmware is able to be calibrated and thus further increase the board accuracy. Best of all, I included a 3D visualization testing for this package. The message node can be run as standalone because I had split the visualization and message node into two different node. Therefore it can run very fast and practical. The razor IMU board will be used in my (very) new eddiebot project as its IMU sensor Cheers Tang Tiong Yew Monash University