Kai, Could you use Gentoo Prefix and then follow the ROS Gentoo installation tutorial? http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gentoo-alt/prefix/ I've never tried it, but it might be able to do what you guys need. -j On Jan 24, 2013 3:38 AM, wrote: > Hello Everybody, > > Thibault Kruse told me that it would be a good idea discussing this topic > in this mailing list. Regarding from ros answers: > http://answers.ros.org/question/52981/ros-installation-without-root/ > > Here the communication: > > 2_socke asked: > ############################ > I suppose that it happens quite often that people that are working in a > closed environment without root access want to use ros. cf. > > howto install w/o root priviliges > http://answers.ros.org/question/44030/howto-install-wo-root-priviliges/ > Installation of wstool and rosdep from source > http://answers.ros.org/question/52190/installation-of-wstool-and-rosdep-from-source/ > > In our case for ros fuerte for example we ended after 2 weeks of work with > a big shell script downloading all the system dependencies (like for > example BOOST, Log4cxx, PCL or OpenCV), installing it to $ROS_ROOT/usr and > after that building ros form source while patching many CMakeLists.txt > files. I took a look at groovy and suppose that at least the building of > ros with catkin should work quite fine due to the fact that building flags > can be passed directly to cmake. Now the question: Wouldn't it be nice for > people working in such an environment to get a package manager installing > packages from source? This could be then called by rosdep. With this it > would be also possible to install ros on every Linux as the native package > manager does not need to be called. If there is interest in something like > that, I would like to work on such a software package. > > KruseT answered: > ############################ > I assume you mean a new custom package manager written for ROS and any > Linux. Similar projects exist such as pkgsrc, autoproj, jhbuild. Also e.g. > see robotpkg. If you want a solution like that, it would be wise to look at > either of these first. > > The following is mostly my personal opinion: > > The ROS community decided rather to avoid own tooling as much as possible, > and rely on existing package-managers where possible. The main problem is > the effort that it takes to maintain any toolset, dragging down ROS > resoures that could work on something else instead. The catkin build system > is geared towards making it much easier to package software for plenty of > different *nix systems, and patches to CMakeLists and such to make a > package more compatible will also be accepted. > > So if you want to put effort into something, for groovy it would probably > be more appreciated if you either created packaging for a not-yet supported > Linux distro or maintained instructions for how to install no a not yet > supported distro, see http://www.ros.org/wiki/groovy/Installation > > PS: For a larger audience, this could be discussed at ros-users, maybe. > > #################### > > > The problem as I see is that in administrated IT infrastructures normally > it is not possible to update system libraries that easy. Of course our > administrator could install a newer boost version, but if half of the rest > of the system is not running anymore this is a really bad idea. The normal > update cycle of such a system is about 4 years. And of course packages like > ros needs to be installed globally to everybody. The question is, if there > is a tool that could install the ros system dependencies to a different > location and could also be included inside rosdep like any other package > manager. > > Regards > > German Aerrospace Center > Robotics and Mechatronics Center > > Kai Krieger > Mit freundlichen Grüßen > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >