Hello Everyone, This is a message to all packages maintainers. We would like to announce our plan to suspend code hosting on code.ros.orgfollowing the Hydro release and ask all maintainers of packages hosted there to plan to migrate to GitHub during the Hydro cycle. All tickets and source control history can be preserved in this process. For a little bit of background, at Willow Garage we have started using GitHub regularly and now recommend it to the wider community[1] many of the Willow hosted packages have been transferred already. And we plan to continue migrating packages to GitHub. As we are now recommending Github and actively moving packages off of code.ros.org already we have determined that the effort to keep code.ros.orgrunning in its current form is not worth the benefit. It currently has significantly degraded performance, especially for tickets. Using GitHub provides better and more up to date hosting opportunities for all developers in the greater ROS community. For help migrating your repositories please see the migration helper [2] It has instructions for how to migrate both code and trac tickets to GitHub. Please let us know if you need help or guidance. We are happy to help facilitate and suggest into what organizations stacks could be migrated. [1] http://www.ros.org/wiki/RecommendedRepositoryUsage [2] http://www.ros.org/wiki/RecommendedRepositoryUsage/MigrationHelp