Stephan, Can you take this to And in that question there can you tell us what version of ROS you are using? I do not get the same behavior as you: ∫ rospack depends geometry_msgs > cpp_common > rostime > roscpp_traits > roscpp_serialization > genmsg > genpy > message_runtime > std_msgs -- P.S. in the future please follow the getting help guidelines: Thanks, On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 6:49 AM, Stephan Opfer wrote: > Hi, > > I have some problem in understanding the consistency of the output of the > following two commands: > > $rospack depends geometry_msgs: > > > $rosmsg packages Header > ... > gazebo_msgs > gazebo_plugins > geometry_msgs <-- > hpPackage > ... > > So geometry_msgs is using the Header message from std_msgs, but > geometry_msgs does not depend on std_msgs. One example of using the Header > message is geometry_msgs/TwistStamped: > > $rosmsg show geometry_msgs/TwistStamped > std_msgs/Header header > uint32 seq > time stamp > string frame_id > geometry_msgs/Twist twist > geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear > float64 x > float64 y > float64 z > geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular > float64 x > float64 y > float64 z > > Isn't it a bug? > > Best Regards, > Stephan > ______________________________**_________________ > ros-users mailing list > >**listinfo/ros-users > -- William Woodall Willow Garage - Software Engineer