On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 7:17 AM, Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian < adolfo.rodriguez@pal-robotics.com> wrote: > Firstly I'd like to thank you all for the positive feedback the original > post received. As next steps, it seems that the Willow Garage / hiDOF > implementation is a good starting point, as it already allows: > - Loading controllers as plugins, and serializing their execution in a > single thread. > - Creating controllers with arbitrary hardware interfaces. > > I'll be giving this a test-drive, with the immediate steps being to: > - Write an Orocos 2.6 based component that leverages the > controller_manager library. > - Trigger each controller with a dedicated, configurable timer event to > allow each controller to have its own update rate. This timer event should > be compatible with deployment in hard-realtime and simulated clock contexts. > Adolpho, If you're interested in help with integrating ros_control with orocos, I'd be happy to contribute, as I was already planning on trying something similar in a few weeks from now. With respect to hard realtime (xenomai) and ROS sim time, I wrote a simple tool as part of my own architecture about a year ago [1]. It's made to just query the time, but I think something similar could be done to switch between timers. [1] https://github.com/jhu-lcsr/lcsr_ros_orocos_tools/blob/master/rtt_ros_tools/include/rtt_ros_tools/time.h#L36 Also, thanks for starting this conversation! -jon ps - I also ported the old PR2 JointSplineTrajectoryController into an orocos environment last year [2], and it'd be interesting to compare ports! [2] https://github.com/jhu-lcsr/controllerman/blob/master/controllerman_controllers/src/trajectory_dispatcher.cpp -- Jonathan Bohren PhD Student Dynamical Systems and Control Laboratory Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics The Johns Hopkins University (707) 520-4736 jbo@jhu.edu