Ever since I joined the ROS community I've felt Answers to be pretty unsuitable for the work. I guess it all comes down to expectations and overview (which WG has much wider than mine). I can't stop thinking that a forum would be a lot better though: you can have subforums tailored to the specific argument (eg: building which would cover build systems and package/stack structures; transformations which would cover urdf models, joints, publishers; Communications which would cover the ROS API, topics, services, etc...), tags wouldn't go away as modern forums have them too, you can moderate a lot more effectively, people can cluster into the subforum they feel more at home with (maybe I'm an expert on building, or cameras), and searching would be a lot more useful as people would be naturally inclined to phrase their topic title according to the subforum argument. It probably would be some more work to maintain, but I can see a lot more use in such a platform. Noob question now: what does "make this page a wiki" really means? What happens to /wikied/ questions? Best regards -- *Eng. Claudio Carbone Embedded Systems Design* P.IVA: 11688471009 tel: +393809017424 email: Send email My linkedin profile My Portfolio My portfolio site