Hi William, Op woensdag 20 februari 2013 schreef William Woodall ( wwoodall@willowgarage.com ) het volgende: > I have drafted a REP, tentatively REP-136, which is an Informational REP > providing a recommendation for how to release third party packages into the > ROS ecosystem. In this context a third party package is any software > package which is used in the ROS ecosystem, but exists outside of the ROS > ecosystem, and therefore is neither catkin based nor rosbuild based. > > You can find this draft REP here: > > > https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/blob/release_third_party/rep-0136.rst > > And the pull request containing the drafting history is here: > > https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/23 > > To summarize the recommendation, third party packages should: > > - Have a package.xml > - Which run_depend's on catkin > - Has a tag in the section > - Install the package.xml > > Notice this recommendation does not involve buildtool_depend'ing on > catkin, and it does not require the use of catkin in the build system. This > can either be accomplished by putting the package.xml and its install rule > into the upstream repository of the third party library or by injecting the > package.xml and install rule into the release repository using bloom. > > Is the functionality described in the REP already available in catkin and bloom? In other words, can we try out the described functionality? Ruben > The REP covers many more details related to the rationale of this > recommendation, consequences of this style of releasing third party > packages, and links to resources related to this change. > > Please submit any feedback to the ros-sig-buildsystem mailing list. > > Thanks, > > -- > William Woodall > Willow Garage - Software Engineer > wwoodall@willowgarage.com > -- Ruben Smits, Phd Chief Technology Officer Intermodalics BVBA +32479511786 www.intermodalics.eu