Hi everyone, I used ROS with a turtlebot to aquire a 2D/3D map from rooms. Unfortunately the odometry of the first turtlebot version wasn't good enough to get precise maps... As I am the first student of my school to use ROS for a longer time, I was asked to write an introduction (in german as not everyone understands english very good). I found a thread http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.science.robotics.ros.user/11025 which suggests adding a language prefix (i.e www.ros.org/wiki/de/ROS). I translated the following pages/topics and put them on the ROS wiki under the "de" prefix: Documentation (Entry Page) Getting Started ROS Overview The only thing I wondered is how people will find translations, because there is no language switch on the pages. I was able to find korean and japanese translations by entering the according prefix, but... Thanks for your comments Kind regards Fabian Saccilotto University of Applied Sciences NTB Buchs Department of Computer Science Switzerland