Hi all, attached is REP134, which describes and justifies the catkin_make_isolated scripts that was introduced with Groovy. It can also be read on github: https://github.com/tkruse/rep/blob/repisolated/rep-0134.rst This is an informational REP, so no voting is required, though comments are welcome. catkin_make_isolated was necessary to allow building non-standard cmake projects within a catkin workspace. Such a project has a CMakeLists.txt, but does not use catkin macros. It still requires a package.xml to be build using catkin_make_isolated. catkin_make_isolated is currently only required to build workspaces containing pcl, opencv or flann from source, most ROS users should not require it. However, the isolation allows to detect certain errors in the build files that catkin by default misses, and can help everyone check their build files. The implementation was done by William Woodall and Dirk Thomas, I just created the REP accordingly. regards, Thibault