Hi Everyone, Today we have released new groovy packages into the public repository. There are several new repositories including ones for Sphero, rosserial, and arbotix. Please see the changelist below. There are new packages released for hydro testing as well. ~ Your friendly ROS release team. Groovy Updates: Packages Added: ros-groovy-adept : 0.2.0 ros-groovy-arbotix-controllers : 0.8.1 ros-groovy-arbotix-firmware : 0.8.1 ros-groovy-arbotix-msgs : 0.8.1 ros-groovy-arbotix-python : 0.8.1 ros-groovy-arbotix-sensors : 0.8.1 ros-groovy-dmp : 0.5.0 ros-groovy-household-objects-database : 0.1.2 ros-groovy-industrial-core : 0.2.0 ros-groovy-industrial-desktop : 1.0.0 ros-groovy-laser-proc : 0.1.2 ros-groovy-ml-classifiers : 0.2.0 ros-groovy-motoman : 0.2.0 ros-groovy-rosapi : 0.4.1 ros-groovy-rosbridge-library : 0.4.1 ros-groovy-rosbridge-server : 0.4.1 ros-groovy-rosbridge-suite : 0.4.1 ros-groovy-rosserial-arduino : 0.4.4 ros-groovy-rosserial-client : 0.4.4 ros-groovy-rosserial-embeddedlinux : 0.4.4 ros-groovy-rosserial-msgs : 0.4.4 ros-groovy-rosserial-python : 0.4.4 ros-groovy-rqt-action : 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-launch : 0.2.14 ros-groovy-sphero-description : 0.1.1 ros-groovy-sphero-driver : 0.1.1 ros-groovy-sphero-node : 0.1.1 Packages Removed: ros-groovy-knowrob : 0.3.0 ros-groovy-robot-debug : 1.0.0 ros-groovy-simple-arms : 0.4.2 Packages Updated: ros-groovy-arbotix : 0.6.1 -> 0.8.1 ros-groovy-calibration : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-calibration-estimation : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-calibration-launch : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-calibration-msgs : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-camera-calibration : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-collada-parser : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-collada-urdf : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-compressed-depth-image-transport : 1.8.19 -> 1.8.20 ros-groovy-compressed-image-transport : 1.8.19 -> 1.8.20 ros-groovy-depth-image-proc : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-ecto : 0.5.4 -> 0.5.5 ros-groovy-ecto-image-pipeline : 0.4.10 -> 0.4.11 ros-groovy-ecto-opencv : 0.4.22 -> 0.4.23 ros-groovy-fcl : 0.2.7 -> 0.2.8 ros-groovy-geometric-shapes : 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5 ros-groovy-hector-gazebo : 0.1.2 -> 0.1.3 ros-groovy-household-objects-database-msgs : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1 ros-groovy-image-cb-detector : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-image-pipeline : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-image-proc : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-image-rotate : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-image-transport-plugins : 1.8.19 -> 1.8.20 ros-groovy-image-view : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-interval-intersection : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-joint-states-settler : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-joy : 1.9.8 -> 1.9.9 ros-groovy-joystick-drivers : 1.9.8 -> 1.9.9 ros-groovy-kdl-parser : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-korg-nanokontrol : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1 ros-groovy-laser-cb-detector : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-manipulation-msgs : 0.1.4 -> 0.1.8 ros-groovy-megatree : 0.1.8 -> 0.1.9 ros-groovy-monocam-settler : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-moveit-commander : 0.3.1 -> 0.3.2 ros-groovy-moveit-core : 0.3.14 -> 0.3.16 ros-groovy-moveit-msgs : 0.3.17 -> 0.3.18 ros-groovy-moveit-ompl-planners-core : 0.3.6 -> 0.3.7 ros-groovy-moveit-ompl-planners-ros-plugin : 0.3.6 -> 0.3.7 ros-groovy-moveit-planners : 0.3.6 -> 0.3.7 ros-groovy-moveit-pr2 : 0.3.7 -> 0.3.9 ros-groovy-moveit-resources : 0.2.0 -> 0.3.0 ros-groovy-moveit-ros : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-benchmarks : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-manipulation : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-move-group : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-perception : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-planning : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-planning-interface : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-visualization : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-ros-warehouse : 0.3.21 -> 0.3.25 ros-groovy-moveit-setup-assistant : 0.3.4 -> 0.3.6 ros-groovy-navigation : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 ros-groovy-object-recognition-capture : 0.2.20 -> 0.2.21 ros-groovy-object-recognition-core : 0.4.19 -> 0.5.0 ros-groovy-object-recognition-linemod : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.11 ros-groovy-object-recognition-msgs : 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 ros-groovy-object-recognition-reconstruction : 0.2.21 -> 0.2.22 ros-groovy-object-recognition-ros : 0.1.14 -> 0.2.0 ros-groovy-object-recognition-tabletop : 0.2.18 -> 0.2.21 ros-groovy-object-recognition-tod : 0.4.13 -> 0.4.14 ros-groovy-object-recognition-transparent-objects : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14 ros-groovy-pr2-moveit-config : 0.3.7 -> 0.3.9 ros-groovy-pr2-moveit-plugins : 0.3.7 -> 0.3.9 ros-groovy-pr2-moveit-tutorials : 0.3.7 -> 0.3.9 ros-groovy-pr2-navigation : 0.1.15 -> 0.1.16 ros-groovy-pr2-object-manipulation : 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 ros-groovy-ps3joy : 1.9.8 -> 1.9.9 ros-groovy-resource-retriever : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-robot-model : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-rosauth : 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2 ros-groovy-rosserial : 0.2.0 -> 0.4.4 ros-groovy-rqt-bag : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-bag-plugins : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-common-plugins : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-console : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-dep : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-graph : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-image-view : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-logger-level : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-msg : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-nav-view : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-plot : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-pose-view : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-publisher : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-py-common : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-py-console : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-reconfigure : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-robot-dashboard : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-robot-monitor : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-robot-plugins : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-robot-steering : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-runtime-monitor : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-rviz : 0.2.8 -> 0.2.9 ros-groovy-rqt-service-caller : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-shell : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-srv : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-topic : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rqt-web : 0.2.10 -> 0.2.14 ros-groovy-rviz : 1.9.24 -> 1.9.28 ros-groovy-rx : 1.9.11 -> 1.9.12 ros-groovy-rxbag : 1.9.11 -> 1.9.12 ros-groovy-rxgraph : 1.9.11 -> 1.9.12 ros-groovy-rxtools : 1.9.11 -> 1.9.12 ros-groovy-settlerlib : 0.9.25 -> 0.9.26 ros-groovy-spacenav-node : 1.9.8 -> 1.9.9 ros-groovy-srdf : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-stereo-image-proc : 1.10.5 -> 1.10.8 ros-groovy-theora-image-transport : 1.8.19 -> 1.8.20 ros-groovy-turtlebot-apps : 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 ros-groovy-urdf : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-urdf-interface : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-urdf-parser : 1.9.32 -> 1.9.33 ros-groovy-urg-node : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.2 ros-groovy-velo-gripper : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1 ros-groovy-visualization-tutorials : 0.7.4 -> 0.7.5 ros-groovy-wiimote : 1.9.8 -> 1.9.9 ros-groovy-wxpython-swig-interface : 1.9.11 -> 1.9.12 ros-groovy-xdot : 1.9.11 -> 1.9.12 Hydro Updates: Packages Added: ros-hydro-ackermann-msgs : 0.9.0 ros-hydro-camera-calibration : 1.10.7 ros-hydro-camera-calibration-parsers : 1.10.3 ros-hydro-camera-info-manager : 1.10.3 ros-hydro-cv-bridge : 1.10.6 ros-hydro-image-common : 1.10.3 ros-hydro-image-geometry : 1.10.6 ros-hydro-image-proc : 1.10.7 ros-hydro-image-transport : 1.10.3 ros-hydro-image-view : 1.10.7 ros-hydro-polled-camera : 1.10.3 ros-hydro-python-qt-binding : 0.2.8 ros-hydro-qt-dotgraph : 0.2.12 ros-hydro-qt-gui : 0.2.12 ros-hydro-qt-gui-app : 0.2.12 ros-hydro-qt-gui-core : 0.2.12 ros-hydro-qt-gui-cpp : 0.2.12 ros-hydro-qt-gui-py-common : 0.2.12 ros-hydro-rqt : 0.2.8 ros-hydro-rqt-action : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-bag : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-bag-plugins : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-console : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-dep : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-graph : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-gui : 0.2.8 ros-hydro-rqt-gui-cpp : 0.2.8 ros-hydro-rqt-gui-py : 0.2.8 ros-hydro-rqt-image-view : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-logger-level : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-msg : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-plot : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-publisher : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-py-common : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-py-console : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-reconfigure : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-service-caller : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-shell : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-srv : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-topic : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-rqt-web : 0.2.14 ros-hydro-stereo-image-proc : 1.10.7 ros-hydro-unique-identifier : 1.0.0 ros-hydro-vision-opencv : 1.10.6 Packages Removed: Packages Updated: