On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Tully Foote wrote: > ros-hydro-executive-smach : 1.3.0 > ros-hydro-smach : 1.3.0 > ros-hydro-smach-msgs : 1.3.0 > ros-hydro-smach-ros : 1.3.0 > Also, for all SMACH users. The 1.3.x SMACH packages are API-compatible with the current versions of SMACH in Fuerte and Groovy, but they are _hybrid_ rosbuild/catkin packages. This means that you can continue using them in rosbuild-based workspaces (and use the same version with Fuerte, Groovy, and Hydro). You can also use them in an entirely catkin-based workspace as you would any other catkin package. I've done a few tests to make sure this works, but before the Hydro release, it'd be great if SMACH users can try out this version in the different ROS releases. If nothing comes up, SMACH 1.3.0 will be released to Fuerte and Groovy as well soon after Hydro is released. Thanks! -jon -- Jonathan Bohren Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics http://dscl.lcsr.jhu.edu/People/JonathanBohren