HI Everyone, We're approaching what we hope to mark as the ROS Hydro Medusa Beta. Based on previous discussions on the mailing list we would like to plan to release ROS Hydro Medusa on July 29th. To do this we want to have 1 full month of staging meaning finalizing the Beta on June 29th the end of this week. Thank you to everyone who has already released their packages into Hydro. We have almost 300 packages released into Hydro already. We would like to have coverage of desktop-full before the Beta is released at the end of this week. My audit of the packages already released reveals 20 packages are left necessary to release into Hydro to complete desktop-full. I'd like to call on the community to add their packages before the release so we can have as complete of an Beta as possible. Of highest interest are the following packages which can be found inside the desktop-full groovy equivalents. bullet common_tutorials compressed_depth_image_transport compressed_image_transport documentation geometry_experimental (tf2*) geometry_tutorials laser_pipeline navigation navigation_tutorials physics_ode resource_retriever robot_model_tutorials robot_model_visualization simulator_gazebo slam_gmapping srdf stage urdf_parser visualization_tutorials This list is pulled from diffing the groovy variants and the hydro packages so it is subject to some updating. Some of these packages may have reached EOL or have been functionally replaced. But if you're involved in any of these please try to get a release out this week. If you'd like to discuss the release of a package, or if you are blocked on another package please start a discussion on the ros-release mailing list. ros-release@code.ros.org Tully