I noticed that rosdoc_lite does not document itself on Hydro, and thought: "I'll just add it to the Hydro doc.yaml in rosdistro". Then I noticed there is no hydro-devel branch, although the groovy-devel branch has been released to Hydro. I can add that branch to the Hydro doc.yaml, but it feels screwy, so I thought I'd better ask. It appears that Jenkins checks out the groovy-devel branch from source when running the Hydro wiki doc update jobs. Why doesn't it install the ros-hydro-rosdoc-lite Debian package? Do we really want per-distro sources for a ros-infrastructure package like this? Aren't they intended to be distro-independent? The only Hydro package ros-hydro-rosdoc-lite depends on is ros-hydro-genmsg, which in turn depends on catkin. Maybe that explains the oddity, but I don't quite understand what's going on, or the reasons behind it. Genmsg also has a groovy-devel branch, but no hydro-devel. I offered to help maintain rosdoc_lite, but can't get my mind around how it is supposed to fit in. So, what is the branching and release policy for ros-infrastructure packages? -- joq