We have the Hydro release coming up in a few days, and normally I would not suggest that we make a change so close the the release, but this appears to be the last opportunity to make this change for a long time. Currently we release PCL as a ROS package (ros-hydro-pcl), but with no substantial patches. We would like to instead pull in official pcl-1.7 debians and have everyone install pcl from source or from debs themselves. This has two benefits, first that we do not have to waste effort releasing PCL through our infrastructure, and second is that when building ROS from source you will not need to build PCL in your catkin workspace. To facilitate this I have created two new rosdep rules: libpcl-all libpcl-all-dev These rules should replace the use of the 'pcl' rosdep rule in your package.xml's. The common case should look like this: --- a/package.xml +++ b/package.xml - pcl + libpcl-all-dev - pcl + libpcl-all If you directly depend on pcl, then you should update your package and release it into hydro. You can raise issues or discuss our efforts to make this change here: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/issues/1676 Thanks! -- William Woodall ROS Development Team william@osrfoundation.org http://williamjwoodall.com/