English VersionCALL FOR PARTICIPATION Uqbar 2013 1st Uqbar Workshop about Innovative Ideas on Programming and Software Engineering San Martín, Argentina November 16, 2013 GENERAL INFORMATION The Uqbar foundation in collaboration with the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Informática (CIDI) of the UNSAM (Universidad de San Martín) organizes the first Uqbar Workshop about Innovative Ideas on Programming and Software Engineering. The event will be held on november 16 at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, building Tornavías. The purpose of the workshop is to generate an space for communication, discussion and gathering between students, teachers, researchers and professionals of the area, oriented towards innovation and research. * www.uqbar-project.org/events/workshop2013 ** *TOPICS Talks will be accepted on innovation on (but not limited to) : - programming languages - language optimization - metaprogramming - compilers - aspect oriented programming - frameworks, libraries - algorithms - virtual machines - user interfaces - development tools - type systems - system modularity - design patterns - domain specific languages (DSLs) - programming teaching - robotics IMPORTANT DATES november 8, 2013 deadline for talk presentation november 11, 2013 notification of talk acceptance november 16, 2013 Uqbar Workshop PARTICIPATION, TALK PROPOSAL AND ATTENDANCE Both the participation and attendance to the workshop are *free*. We gently ask you for a minimal *registration* that will help the organization of the event. Talk proposals are required to have attached an abstract describing the talk. For more information and access to the inscription forms, refer yourself to the workshop website: *www.uqbar-project.org/events/workshop2013 ** *The organization is planning also to provide a charter/bus service to transport the assistants to the University from Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, at a reduced cost. Please, check the option in the registration form if you would be interested of such a service. [1] www.uqbar-project.org