Hi, The wiki should be publicly editable. So I think you can do this change yourself if you have an account on the wiki. Take care about what you do there anyway. As they are the main structure of the wiki it would be better you wait a bit some feedback before running into the edition. As the Roadmap page is not linked anywhere I'd suggest you also add a link to http://wiki.ros.org/ if you do the changes. 2013/11/9 Daniel Stonier > > I've always struggled to locate the following information every time I go > searching: > > > - When are the next rosdistro releases due? > - What platforms are they going to be running on? > - What underlying dependency shifts are looming (e.g. python3)? > > > The first thing I do is google 'ros roadmap'. I just watched a colleague > go looking for the same information and also googled those exact same > keywords. Probably others do also. > > What they get you at #1 is http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Roadmap which doesn't > provide recent or new information, but is now information about a legacy > process that is not marked as legacy - confusing. And then you have to > really start digging to answer the questions above. > > The information can be found from the ros main page (http://wiki.ros.org/) > under 'Distributions' which isn't entirely obvious. Important pages being: > > > - http://wiki.ros.org/Distributions > - http://wiki.ros.org/Distributions/Timeline > - http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0003.html (which could do with an update > for indigo/j-turtle) > > > To make it more visible, can we: > > > - Forward wiki.ros.org/ROS/Roadmap -> wiki.ros.org/Roadmap > - Add links for the above to that page? > > Cheers, > Daniel/Yujin. > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > >